Taylor Orford

Junior Creative - Ogilvy

What is your proudest professional achievement? 

Aside from making it onto this incredible list, I wrote an article last year regarding Gen Z stereotypes and how brands should avoid them in order to connect authentically. Not only was it a joy to get a fair few opinions off my chest, but it landed me a place in WPP's Atticus Journal. I'm proud to say my sometimes slightly tongue-in-cheek take on Gen Z clichés sits beside some of the best thinking on the issues and trends shaping our industry. 

How are you using AI in your role at present? 

AI truly has my back when it comes to mocking up some of the wackier earned picture stories that my photoshop skills can't compare to. 

Which social media platform do you use more than others, and why? 

It will come as no surprise to anyone that TikTok is the honest answer here. Predictable as it may be, I'm confident it's where I find the majority of my creative inspiration. And a large part of my sense of humour, I'm afraid. 

If you could change any one thing about the comms industry, what would it be? 

We should be making it more accessible for creative talent from working class backgrounds, especially for those who live outside of the London bubble. Of course, London isn't the be all and end all of creative opportunities, but considering the masses of creative agencies based here, I believe this is a real problem. For example, a typical graduate from Leeds isn't going to be able to afford accommodation or commuter fees to and from London to complete a placement opportunity to the fullest. Whether the answer is pre-scheduled pay or accommodation support, I believe London agencies are missing out on brilliant creative talent from outside of the M25. 

What is the motto you live by? 

"Anyone fancy a pint?"