Maryam Chowdhury

Senior Client Executive - Milk & Honey PR

What is the motto you live by? 

As cheesy as it sounds - Be aggressively, unapologetically yourself to unlock the happiest, most successful version of yourself. Your diversity and difference is your power. Some of the most creative, successful work has D&I embedded into its bones. They need people like us. Using ethnic diversity as just one example: In 2024, the CIPR reported that just 5% of PR practitioners are Asian, 4% mixed and 3% Black. We need to be even prouder and even louder about ourselves and the often unheard. In turn, I'd like to say you can at the very least be on the journey to finding true happiness in your career. Through being bold and myself, things have usually worked out in my favour. I got my first job in PR by photoshopping myself onto the company website to stand out amongst floods of CVs. These days, some call it 'manifesting', I call it good old fashioned hard work, perseverance and self belief. 

What is your proudest professional achievement? 

So far, it's this! Winning PR Week's 30 Under 30 as a newcomer is definitely a career bucket list moment. Plus, my mum redownloaded LinkedIn to give my post a like, which is all the approval I need that I'm doing fairly alright at my career two years in. 

In your view, how can PR employers better retain talent? 

When you see how much someone is investing into the company and their role, invest back into them with consistent development opportunities, support and (say it louder for the people in the back) meaningful appreciation! It's also important to foster a work environment where everyone feels like they can bring their whole selves into work to produce the best work, so reflect that proudly in your DEI&B policies. Let that then seep into your overall culture, not the other way around. Don't talk the talk unless you are prepared to walk the walk! 

Which social media platform do you use more than others, and why?

X, or Twitter as I still like to call it (I'm retro). You can pick up on so many different cultural conversations and you never know when these insights might influence or unlock a killer creative idea. It's a great way to listen to people beyond just your comfortable bubble. 

What's the secret to good client/agency relationships? 

Be their friend as well as their source of counsel. We're all humans at the end of the day. An open, professional but above all, friendly environment will foster more open conversations so that you can produce the best work together. Get to know them as a person, including their working style and mirror their behaviour back to them so they value that you are on the same page. Be respectful of their thoughts but confidently give tailored advice and push back when you need to, they'll thank you for it.