Elissa Cregan

External Affairs Officer - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

In your view, how can PR employers better retain talent?

To retain talent, any employers should focus on fostering a positive work culture, providing growth opportunities, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and promoting work-life balance. Regular feedback and recognition also play a crucial role in retaining top talent.

If you could change one things about the comms industry, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about the comms industry, it would be to foster greater diversity and inclusion at all levels. This means ensuring representation from various backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, which not only enriches the industry but also promotes innovation and understanding in communication strategies. Addressing accent bias and ensuring that interviews are tailored to accommodate neurodiversity would also contribute to creating a more inclusive environment where all individuals have equal opportunities to succeed.

What is the motto you live by?

My motto is a Brazilian saying: "Quem não arrisca, nao petisca." In English, it means "Those who don't try don't have a snack." It encapsulates the idea that unless you take risks and put yourself out there, you won't reap the rewards. 

What's the secret to good client/agency relationships?

The secret to good clients relationships is understanding and aligning with the stakeholders' needs and objectives. By actively listening, empathising, and responding effectively to their requirements, we can build trust and credibility, ultimately fostering strong and successful partnerships.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

My proudest professional achievement is being in the front of the #PrescribingNow campaign together with my colleague Peter Just. Prescribing now is a multi-organisation campaign aimed at extending independent prescribing responsibilities to more allied health professionals. Through this campaign, I successfully secured an on-the-record commitment from the Government to advance this initiative. Additionally, I'm proud to have influenced a recommendation in a House of Lords' Integration of Primary and Community Care Committee report, further solidifying the importance of this work. I am fortunate to be part of an exceptional team of public affairs and policy experts at the RCSLT, whose collective efforts and support have contributed significantly to my successes.