Amy Moore

Account Director, Influence - Weber Shandwick

What is your proudest professional achievement? 

Might sound obvious, but making the 30 under 30 list is a huge career highlight. I've been working in the industry for just under six years and in that time I've delivered award-winning campaigns and had the opportunity to work with youth leaders in Tanzania to launch sustainable development projects, been supported to follow my interests and grow the influence practice at Weber Shandwick in the UK, and support the next generation of PR professionals through the CIPR. All of these opportunities have contributed to my name appearing on the list alongside incredibly talented people, and for that I'm very grateful! - 

In your view, how can PR employers better retain talent? 

Mutual trust and giving people opportunities to follow their interests are two big ones for me. Being able to trust your leaders but also to be trusted to lead projects results in much better job satisfaction and empowers people to take charge of their own careers and show their worth. Supporting people to follow their interests is something I think isn't discussed enough ‚I've been very lucky to be supported in my focus on influencer marketing and growing that specialism in the UK, and I think offering people similar opportunities will help retain talent as they forge their own career pathways. In agency, it also means we can champion different interests and ways of thinking for better results. 

Which social media platform do you use more than others, and why? 

It's got to be TikTok. Working in influencer marketing, I spend a lot of time scrolling all the usual social channels. TikTok has really changed the game for brands and influencers though ‚ it is so accessible and authentic, and it has shown brands the power of working with nano and micro influencers to reach niche communities with credible and engaging content. Taking a less polished approach, TikTok really shows the value of co-creation and snackable content By identifying diverse culture-shapers and advocates to make more meaningful connections with audiences, TikTok really helps brands contribute value. 

What's the secret to good client/agency relationships? 

Mutual respect and trust ‚ in agency we're an extension of the client team, but also consultants so it's a fine balance. Having open and honest dialogue is key, and those working in agency need to always ensure that we are providing really informed counsel and recommendations to our clients with their best interests at heart. 

If you could change any one thing about the comms industry, what would it be? 

Making it more diverse! When I was at school, I didn't even consider PR as a job option. I think championing specialisms are key ‚ we're seeing more and more children saying they want to be influencers when they are older and instead of shying away from that, I think we should be embracing the creativity and showing other creative careers, like comms, on offer. Tackling diversity starts from younger years so inspiring younger people is key to ensuring a future diverse workforce.